Hall says that style is "a manner of doing something." In writing, style is very important. Style can lead a reader to believe certain things, even if they aren't true. Hall uses an example of this:
Let's forget what the text says and just focus on how it's written. Upon first appearance I believe this to be said by a woman. The font is neat and precise, and delicate like that of a woman's handwriting. One could also argue it's written by a man with a plume (back in George Washington's time). The fact of the matter is... we don't know who wrote this, but we can make assumptions based solely on the style. Now, does this font make you believe the text is true? Hall says he believes so. I'm not so certain I agree.
I still believe that this is a text written by/said by a woman. The font leads me to believe that she is trying to persuade some one she isn't a criminal, but indeed she is. She uses were delicate, feather light manner to sway you. This is how she commits all of her crimes. But... I'm simply guessing. I actually have no idea if this person is a woman, a criminal, or even real.
Hall gives another great example of style affecting how text is perceived: 

Although each line says the same thing, each one holds a different meaning. It's assumed different people are saying each line, because each typeface is different. Are we likely to trust one more than another? What makes us trust them, or what makes us skeptical? It's amazing how a blank page with black font can evoke emotion in us. It can persuade us to feel things and assume things. 

Style does this in all sorts of mediums. The way people speak, the way the dress, where they choose to shop, the jobs they have etc. Our brains search for images, or stereotypes that are familiar to us, and in turn we make judgements based off what we see. All of our past experiences are different, and that's why I see the writing "I am not a criminal" as a woman, and you may see it as a 
Allison Pfander
12/16/2013 02:32:14 am

Style effects the way people look at things. It is not just writing where people judge based on the way it looks, but it is just about everything. Think about it. They say we first eat with our eyes. If something does not look good, we are obviously going to be hesitant if we do even eat it. The way things are written present an entire new way of looking at things. Because it is just words we are looking at, we immediately guess what these words are saying, just by their looks.


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